Geolocation Image

Geolocation & Digital Archives:

Pinpointing History

Project Identification

Matthew Miller

Course Instructor and Title:
Dr. Tula Giannini, Dean Pratt-SILS
LIS 698 Seminar and Practicum, Summer II 2011

Supervisor and Site Location:
Deborah Wythe, Head of Digital Collections & Services. Brooklyn Museum

I worked as an intern at the Brooklyn Museum for six months as part of the CHART program. During my internship I digitized numerous historic photos of Brooklyn New York from around the turn of the 20th century. Many hours of research were also done in order to lend historical context to the scanned photos. The end result leaves the question of how to best present this compiled information to the public. This project examines current trends in geolocation — tying an artifact to a physical space — as well as my efforts in creating a geolocation system.

Images Disclaimer: This project has no affiliation with the Brooklyn Museum. Any images or text from the Brooklyn Museum's website used on this page and the geolocation demonstration were manually included and are being utilized for educational purposes only.